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Jezzie Paws Dog Training
Obedience Training Operations Policy
1. If your dog is sick, please do not bring them to class. If you have a question about what is allowed in class, please contact the instructor. You are encouraged to come to class without your dog to see what is covered that day.
2. Dogs in heat are not allowed to attend class as it is a distraction to other dogs. You are encouraged to come to class without your dog to see what was covered that day.
3. The instructor reserves the right to expel dogs who show aggression towards people or other dogs. Private sessions may be recommended in these cases. Please be sure to disclose any aggressive tendencies that your dog may have to the instructor prior to registering.
4. Please clean up after your dog.
5. Young children must be supervised by an additional adult so the primary handler of the dog can devote their full attention to class
6. Please don't allow dogs to meet in class until the instructor gives permission.
7. If you cannot attend your training session as scheduled, you must cancel no later than 8:00 A.M. the day of your session or you will be charged for that session (private or group). Text or email communication is permitted. Fee for late cancellations is $45.00 per dog.
8. Make-up classes are not typically available for missed classes. If arrangements are made in advance, the instructor may be able to meet with students fifteen minutes before class start time to go over what was missed. Private Sessions are also available for an additional fee.
9. If a client decides not to continue training (whether private or group classes), a refund will be given if the request is received 24 hours before the scheduled training session. Refunds can take up to 30 days from request date. No refunds will be given after 3 training sessions. If there is an issue or complaint regarding the training sessions, you will need to talk to the trainer to resolve the issue/complaint.
10. If you are signed up for obedience training (facility or home), dog walking and or drop- in visits you cannot move any funds to different services, as the service are separate.
11. If you purchase a package deal (whether group or private classes) and then cancel the training after 3 classes there will not be a refund given. If you cancel before the 3 classes you will be charged $50 per class that you have attended and missed without communication by call, email or text. Postage charge associated with mailing your refund by certified mail will also be applied (all refunds are sent certified mail).
11. After two missed classes, without prior communication, your spot will be forfeited, and no refunds will be given.
12. Training application must be signed before the start of class, along with full payment.
13. All pet owners are expected to follow Jezzie Paws Dog Training safety rules while on the premises. Anyone who does not follow the safety rules can, and will, be asked to leave. No refunds will be given.
14. Personal checks are a permitted form of payment, but if your check bounces you will be charged an additional $35.00 fee.
15. Please do not wear sandals or revealing clothing during training sessions and while on the premises. Jezzie Paws Dog Training will not be responsible for any injury (scratches, falls, etc.) that have resulted from inappropriate dress. Additionally, this is a family-friendly environment. If your clothing is too revealing you will be asked to leave, and that class will count as one of your training sessions (no make-up session). If you are asked more than 3 times to come dressed appropriately, you can be let go from class with no refund. Safety is VERY important, and we have families that attend trainings.
16. Please keep dialogue respectful and civil when on premises. Please refrain from using profanity or making inappropriate comments to other clients while here. If you do, you will be asked to stop, and if you continue you will be asked to leave the class with no refund. If you would not say or do it at your place of work, in front of your kids, etc., then please do not say or do it here. This is a family-friendly, respectful environment.
17. If your dog has aggression, they are not allowed to be on a retractable leash. The trainer will ask you to put a regular leash for safety reasons. If you do not change the leash you will be asked to leave, again, for safety reasons. If you are asked multiple times about the leash you will not be allowed to continue training and no refund will be given. In addition to retractable leashes, for safety reasons, I will not be able to work with any dog wearing a prong, choke, or shock collar. Please make sure your dog is fitted with a collar or harness prior to the session. If you have questions about what kind of collar or harness to use, I can provide recommendations.
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